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Hey, I'm Kat!

Aquarius adventurer, outdoor enthusiast, dancefloor dweller,

dog mom, ​yogi, wellness warrior, + foodie


Thank you for visiting my little corner of the internet. <3


I'm not one for coincidences, and truly believe that we're put in each others' paths at the right moment for a reason. I'll share the basics about me with you here, but please reach out to continue the conversation on Instagram @katerina_erickson! I love making connections and fostering community there.


I'm guessing you may be interested in how I got to be doing what I do? Yes? Here we go...


My wellness journey began when I found yoga back in 2013. It's when I got the first glimpse of my true self. Up until then I was fixated on counting calories, exercising to the point of exhaustion, and my appearance to the point where all I could do on in my spare time was numb out. On the outside I looked healthy and happy but on the inside I was unfulfilled, unbalanced, and begging for more out of life. I felt trapped and helpless in the spiral of never feeling good enough.


It wasn't until I began the journey inward that I started to question the things I'd been taught. 

  • I'd always seen women obsessing over their weight

  • I'd seen men putting their money and career success on the highest pedestal

  • I saw peers buying into materialism, wanting to shop at every chance they'd get

  • I saw myself trying to fit in to all of these boxes

   ...and it just wasn't working...


Once I noticed this, I made the conscious decision to choose an alternative route.


  • I chose to dive deep into mindfulness through yoga + meditation in order to sift through what beliefs, habits, and lifestyle choices felt aligned for ME.

  • I chose to work through and understand hard emotions and past traumas through self-reflection, therapy, and physical movement.

  • I chose to prioritize the actions in life that would get me to where I wanted to be. If it wasn't an F YES, it was a hard no.

The difference is beautiful + undeniable freedom. 

This led me to further my own education by investing in my holistic health coaching certification, multiple yoga teacher trainings, becoming attuned in reiki energy healing, and more.


Now, I help others find the same peace, alignment, and healing through my health coaching practice. I work with clients to help them go deep to discover what is & isn't working in their life at the present moment with the understanding that fulfillment in life affects food habits, and visa versa. From there, I guide and empower them to make small aligned changes that amount to sustainable life-changing shifts over time. 


The journey towards your highest self starts all with a desire to feel better. 


I help you set SMART goals and coach you to take action through loving accountability and uplifting support. Once you feel better, your light ripples out to everyone you touch in day to day life. Quite literally, the world changes for the better you when you begin saying YES to yourself.

Want to learn more about my story?
Watch this video:

Ready to Chat?​


Free 30 minute call over Zoom


Tell me about yourself and the vision you want to make a reality, and I'll share how we can get you there


About Me

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